Minecraft how to breed a horse? Horse breeding in Minecraft: Everything you need to know

Minecraft how to breed a horse? You can be almost anything in Minecraft. A powerful warrior, a fearless cave-diver — or even just a simple farmer. And if you want to build a farm, you’ll need some farm animals.

Horses are one of a few animals in Minecraft that you can tame and breed. This means that as long as you start with two horses, you can end up with hundreds. You’ll just need enough apples and carrots to feed them all, along with a lot of gold.

Here’s a guide to breeding horses in Minecraft, including how to take care of the baby foal once it’s born.

How to breed horses in Minecraft

There are a few steps that you’ll need to take before you can start breeding. First, you actually need to find and tame two horses.

Tame two horses

Horses spawn randomly in plains and savannas, usually in herds. And some villages will keep horses in stables and pens. You can take any of these horses — there’s no gender in Minecraft, so you don’t need to worry about grabbing a male and female.

To tame a horse, you’ll need to approach and “use” it (right-click or left trigger) while you’re not holding anything, which will let you climb onto its back. The first few times you do this, it’ll probably buck you off after a few moments. Keep doing this until hearts appear above the horse and it stops bucking you off. It can take a while, so be patient.

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Once you’ve tamed a horse, you can tie it to a Lead or put a Saddle on it. This will let you quickly move it somewhere — for example, inside of a fenced area.

Minecraft how to breed a horse

Craft Golden Apples or Carrots

To get your horses in the mood to breed, you have to feed them some special treats: Either Golden Apples or Golden Carrots.

You can find Golden Apples inside of treasure chests all across the Overworld and Nether, but you can also craft them. Place a regular Apple in the center of your Crafting Menu, then surround it with eight Gold Ingots to craft a Golden Apple.

Golden Carrots, luckily, aren’t as expensive. You can craft them by surrounding a regular Carrot with eight Gold Nuggets.

Feed your horses

Once you have two horses and at least two golden foods, you’re ready to breed.

Get your horses near each other and feed a Golden Apple or Carrot to each of them. Hearts will appear above their heads, and in a few moments, a baby horse will appear.

The baby horse (or “foal”) will follow its parents wherever they go. It takes about 20 minutes for a foal to mature into an adult horse, but you can speed the process up by feeding it apples, sugar, wheat, or hay.

Tips and tricks for breeding horses in Minecraft

In Minecraft, horses can come in seven different colors, and have five different types of “markings” on them. This means that there are 35 different types of horses in the game.

When you breed two horses, the game rolls dice to decide what the foal will look like. Most foals will share their color and markings with one of its parents, but there’s about a 29 percent chance that it ends up with a completely random appearance. So if you want a horse of a certain color, you’ll want to breed two horses with that color.

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Every horse in the game also spawns with random health, movement speed, and jump strength statistics. When you spawn a foal, the game decides its stats by averaging the stats of its two parents, along with a totally random imaginary horse. This means that the better your parent horses are, the better the foal will be — but breeding a perfect foal is almost impossible.

Lastly, horses don’t only have to breed with other horses. If you breed a horse with a donkey (follow all the same steps), you’ll end up with a baby mule. Mules can’t breed with any other creature.

All about breeding horses in Minecraft

Food item required to breed horses

Although horses can be fed wheat or hay blocks to replenish their health, this does not start the breeding process. To do that, users need to have either golden apples or golden carrots. These gold-wrapped food items can either be found as chest loot or crafted manually.

To craft golden apples, users must place one apple on the crafting table and surround it with eight gold ingots. To craft golden carrots, users must place one carrot on the crafting table and surround it with eight gold nuggets.

Of course, golden carrots are the best for breeding horses, as they are easier and cheaper to craft.

Process of breeding horses

Once players have golden carrots or apples, they can find horses in the wilderness and breed them. They are easy to find since they spawn in several biomes. Explorers must find two of them and feed them golden carrots to activate the ‘love mode’. Soon, both the adult horses will mate and spawn a foal.

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Foal’s growth

Once the breeding process is complete, a foal will spawn from an adult horse. This baby mob will appear thinner than its regular adult counterparts and will gradually grow in several stages. Players can feed certain kinds of food items to the foal to help it grow faster.

Minecraft how to breed a horse

Markings and statistics comparison after breeding

One of the most important reasons why players breed horses is to get the fastest and strongest version of the mob. Hence, players usually test whether both the adult horses have good stats or not. Some of them even check whether horses have good markings and designs on their skin or not.

There are three major ‘equine stats’ in the game: health, movement speed, and jump height. These three values differ from horse to horse. When breeding two of them, the foal’s stats are determined by averaging both parents’ stats with a randomly determined third set.

However, in the latest updates of the game (in Java Edition 1.19.4 and Bedrock Edition 1.19.70), these stats are no longer biased towards the average. This is to promote horse breeding so that players can get better horses much more easily than before.

Above is information minecraft how to breed a horse.   Hopefully, through the above content, you have a more detailed understanding of minecraft how to breed a horse .Thank you for reading our post.

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