How to Turn off ar in Pokemon go ? How To Turn Off AR Mode In Pokemon Go: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to turn off ar in pokemon go ? Gamers, as you probably know by now, Pokemon Go is an entertaining game, but there’s one downside- the constant use of AR mode. Here’s how to disable it so you can catch them all without having to dodge real-world obstacles.

If you’re like me and enjoy playing Pokemon Go but don’t love constantly having to avoid obstacles while trying to capture Pokemon, then this post is for you! Today we will show you how to disable AR mode in the game so catching Pokemon becomes easier (and less dangerous). Keep reading instructions on how to do this on iOS and Android devices.

What is AR Mode in Pokemon Go?

AR mode stands for “Augmented Reality” and is the default setting when you open the game. This means your camera is activated, and you will see Pokemon “in the wild” through your phone’s screen as if they were there. While this is a fun feature, it can also be frustrating because it’s challenging to catch Pokemon when they’re constantly moving around. You have to avoid real-world obstacles simultaneously.

Also, if you’re playing in a public place, keeping track of your surroundings and paying attention to your phone screen can be challenging. This is why some people prefer to disable AR mode- it makes the game easier and safer to play.

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If you decide to disable AR mode, there are a few different ways to do it. We’ll show you how to do it on iOS and Android devices.

How to Turn off ar in Pokemon go

How to Turn Off AR in Pokemon Go on an iPhone

Some of the updates to Pokemon Go add new features that give you more things to do in the game.

Other updates affect the way the game behaves, and how you actually interact with the app.

One of those options is AR (augmented reality.) This merges the game with your actual physical environment by using the camera on your iPhone.

How to Turn off AR in Pokemon GO

Pokemon has been around for much of the twenty-first century. The franchise now has one of the most devoted followings on the planet. With the release of Pokemon GO, fans were given a unique opportunity to embark on their own journeys and catch new Pokemon. However, some of its features like the AR (Augmented Reality) can be a nuisance and players usually like to keep the AR in Pokemon GO turned off.

What Is AR Mode in Pokemon Go?

The augmented reality mode was added to Pokemon GO after its first launch. This new mode enabled Pokemon GO to become more realistic.

When you’re playing Pokémon GO, it’s incredibly wonderful to see a Charmander, Dragonite, or Pikachu there in front of you. While the augmented reality, or AR, that allows you to see a Pokémon on the pavement in front of you is entertaining, turning it off can conserve battery life while also making the game easier to play.

Pokemon GO’s AR mode is on by default and utilizes a dramatic amount of battery of your phone. How much exactly? Well, it usually drains around 50% of the battery in a matter of a couple of hours. Without further ado, here’s how you can turn off the AR mode in Pokemon GO.

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Turn Off AR From the Capture Screen

When throwing a Pokeball, there’s a small toggle labeled “AR+” in the upper-right corner of the screen that you may utilize to switch on or off this new function. The feature is turned off if the toggle is on the left. Because the function is on, you’ll see the camera in the backdrop of your app if the toggle is on the right.

This is the quickest way to switch between the two modes. Although, keep in mind that while exiting the game, whatever mode is active will also be there when you return to play the game.

Turn Off AR From the Settings Screen

If you can’t find the toggle on the playing screen, you can simply use the Settings option to disable the mode. Here’s how:

  • Press the Pokeball on the main screen
  • Tap the Settings icon on the top right
  • The AR settings will have a tick mark. Uncheck it.

When AR+ is off, AR+ will not activate while attempting to catch a Pokemon, and you can use the fully animated catch method each time, just as you could before this feature was a part of the game.

There you have it! You can now go back to catching Pokemons without worrying about your battery life. The AR mode is great to experience the game in a new way but can drain your battery and heat up your device. It is best to keep the AR mode off.

Understanding AR Mode in Pokemon Go and its Benefits

If you’re a fan of Pokemon Go, then the AR (Augmented Reality) mode is something that you’ve most likely heard of. This feature allows players to see their favorite Pokemon in real-world settings through the use of their phone’s camera. It’s pretty cool and adds an extra level of excitement to catching your favorite creatures. But how does it work exactly?

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When you activate AR mode, the game uses your phone’s GPS data and camera to place a 3D image of a Pokemon onto whatever surface is in view on your screen. The result is a realistic-looking creature that appears as if it’s really there in front of you. It makes for some great photo opps too!

But beyond just being visually pleasing, using AR Mode can actually benefit gameplay too. When capturing wild Pokemon, enabling AR mode allows for more precise throws as players can physically aim at the creature on-screen rather than relying solely on virtual controls. Additionally, using this feature can also help with overall immersion into the world of Pokemon Go – making catching them all feel even more exciting!

How to Turn off ar in Pokemon go

Exploring the Different Settings and Options within Pokemon Go App

Are you a Pokemon Go enthusiast? Then you surely know that the game offers various settings and options to customize your playing experience. Let’s explore some of them!

First off, have you checked out the “Settings” menu? Here, you can adjust sound and vibration settings, turn on Adventure Sync to track your activity even when the app is closed, and enable or disable AR mode. Additionally, in the “Notification Settings,” you can choose which types of notifications (such as nearby Pokemon or friend requests) you want to receive.

Another cool feature is the ability to customize your trainer avatar. Tap on your picture in the bottom left corner of the screen and select “Customize.” From there, you can change everything from hairstyle to clothing items like hats and backpacks.

Finally, within each individual Pokemon’s profile page, there are options such as renaming them or transferring them for candy. You can also toggle on/off their favorite status (which gives them a heart icon) or make them your buddy for increased walking rewards.

Above is information how to turn off ar in pokemon go.  Hopefully, through the above content, you have a more detailed understanding of how to turn off ar in pokemon go.Thank you for reading our post.

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