How to tell if a Funko Pop is fake? Guide to spot and know them

How to tell if a Funko Pop is fake? How to spot a fake Funko Pop? How to know if Funko Pop is fake? Funko Pops are incredibly popular collectibles that have become a staple in the world of pop culture fandom.

With their wide range of licenses and characters, Funko Pops are loved by fans of all ages. Unfortunately, their popularity has also led to an increase in counterfeit figures on the market. In this blog post, we’ll go over some key tips on how to spot fake Funko Pops and avoid being scammed.

How to tell if a Funko Pop is fake?

To know if Funko Pop is fake, you need to note 9 tips as follows:

Check the print

One of the easiest ways to spot a fake Funko Pop is to look at the box it comes in. The box print should have high-quality printing with crisp, clear images and text. Check for any misspellings or blurry images, as these are common signs of a fake.

Look for the Funko logo

Every Funko Pop figure should have the Funko logo on the box, typically located on the bottom right-hand corner. Make sure the logo is printed clearly and matches the official logo found on the Funko website.

Check the paint job

One of the most common signs of a fake Funko Pop is a poor paint job. Look for any smudges, uneven lines, or colour bleeding, as these are all indications of a fake figure. That said, keep in mind that Funko figures are a mass-produced toy line, and so not all paint jobs are perfect.

The difference between a real and fake paint job usually comes down to the details, so if you’re unsure, check a few other versions of the same item either online or in-person.

Examine the details

Funko Pops are known for their attention to detail, so examine the figure closely to ensure it matches the character it’s meant to represent. Check for accurate clothing, accessories, and other defining features.

Check the box

One of the easiest giveaways for most fakes is the box itself, and how it’s been cut. Check the width of the boarder around the character image and the font used in the box art.

Beware of low prices

If a Funko Pop figure seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of independent or anonymous sellers online offering low prices, as these are often a sign of counterfeit figures. An easy rule of thumb? If it seems to good to be true, it usually is.

Purchase from reputable sellers

To ensure you’re getting a genuine Funko Pop, purchase from reputable sellers such as official retailers or trusted online stores. Avoid purchasing from unknown or unverified sources. Nudge nudge, cough cough. Just sayin’.

Check the stickers

Certain exclusive items feature box stickers which add to the item’s rarity. Carefully examine the sticker for font, colour, finish, and wording to make sure it’s legit.

Cross-reference online

There are tonnes of resources out there for collectors, such as Funko Fake Finder, where you can search, share, and upload images of known fakes.

How to tell if a Funko Pop is fake

Why is Funko Pops often faked?

You’re probably asking yourself right now “Hey didn’t they write an article on this topic a while ago?” Well you’re correct, but A LOT has happened since that first “How to Spot a Fake Funko Pop!” article and we are still here to help. Fake or fraudulent Pop! have become a SERIOUS problem over the last few years and one thing we’ve noticed is fakes seem to be popping up (no pun intended) almost daily.

See also  Best way to display Funko Pops

What was once limited to a few items, has now grown to double digit figures almost overnight. Whether it’s by choice or horrible misfortune, we all run the risk of becoming the victim of receiving a counterfeit Pop! But have no fear, the PCA has your back and we have revamped this article with examples, images and additional tips to assist you in your search for authentic Funko products.

We will also be launching a Fake Pop! Database on the site to aid collectors and sellers everywhere.

How to tell if a Funko Pop is fake

Be Aware of Who / Where you are Purchasing From

On eBay if it ships from China there is a 99.9% chance it’s a fake. You may notice deep discounts (50% – 90%) off of Pop Price Guide pricing on those same listings, which should register as a RED FLAG immediately.

If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is and in most, if not all, of those cases listings are associated with a stock photo of each item (another RED FLAG). Here is a consolidated list of warning signs you should avoid when purchasing:

  • Ships and Sells from China
    • Not much to add here. Plain and simple avoid!
  • Negative or Limited Reviews / Feedback
    • Most of these reviews will have people waving the counterfeit flag.
    • A low number of reviews could also mean someone recently created the account to sell off a ton of fake items and then run away with the money before anyone notices
  • Large Quantities Available
    • We all know how hard vaulted items are to find and a common theme with the fake listings is they have a large quantity available for purchase. Do they really think we believe the story “I just stumbled upon these boxes full of SDCC Lunas I might as well sell them for 75% off of PPG.”
    • If it says 99 items are available or 50 sold at this price, simply avoid the listing.
  • Deep, Deep Discounts
    • As mentioned above if a price is too good to be true it normally is. People who have $100 plus items aren’t going to sell them for $22.50 and this is especially true if they have 200 of them.

When purchasing from Facebook, local swaps, Apps like Offer Up, Mercari, etc, be sure to check feedback on the sellers. Most selling/trading Facebook groups have feedback threads and anytime you are planning a purchase, please reference these tools.

The collecting community has done a wonderful job policing the fakes, but scammers can still slip in fake image to push the sale. Always, always, always remember to use goods and services when using PayPal as a form of payment. This is an added layer of protection, should you be scammed.

Here are some additional tips when negotiating a deal outside of eBay:

  • Ask to see as many images as possible of the Pop!
    • This is the best weapon against fakes. If you are concerned about the images they are sending request that they add a time stamp with their name in the picture. You’ll discover their intentions quickly if they go silent after you ask.
  • If the seller is a member of Funko related Facebook group reference other members or friends that have completed deals with the seller before
    • Always remember to phone a friend in these cases. Sometimes all you need to do is ask other members in the group to vouch for the individual if there is little feedback available for the seller.
  • Check the Sellers Profile
    • Number one RED FLAG: they recently joined to Facebook.
    • One strategy scammers employ is to create multiple profiles to run scams with. Often these profiles are created within the past 6 months.
    • Limited posts and communications stand out here as well. If they aren’t active or members of multiple groups there’s a chance they joined to scam and then run.

Even with all these strategies applied you still run the risk of purchasing a fake Pop! So, I will say it again, when making a payment to a seller ensure there are protections in place for you to get your money back (IE Goods and Services on PayPal).

If you are in doubt read the Terms and Conditions on the website or app of whatever payment processing platform you select. I know it’s like watching paint dry, but you can always Google this information as well.

See also  How much are Funko Pops? How much do it cost? Worth?

How to tell if a Funko Pop is fake

Verify product number on the bottom of the box

Numbers are different depending on licenses and manufacturers, but will always include the year and item number produced. Most fakes lack this product number, or have an item number that has been printed from a label maker.

Please note that a counterfeit Pop!’s item number will almost always appear in bolder text accompanied with a wider sticker. Also note, some numbers are pressed opposed to printed but will always be located on the bottom of the box.

Box Artwork

This is one of the biggest improvements counterfeiters have made when producing fake items. Sometimes they have really nailed the design with little indication the items are fake.

Still there are tiny identifiers to look for as they can’t always get everything correct. We have collected some good examples of what to look for:


One of the easiest ways to quickly identify a fake is the boarder around the Pop! window. Often the boarder around the image and Pop! logos will appear much wider than the authentic version.

Sometimes the white boarder will not completely outline the image and appear with gaps. Reference the images above for examples.

Box Fonts and Logos

ounterfeits often contain different fonts on UPC codes or other text on the box. A large number of fakes will have different fonts on logos, information on the bottom of the box, and the Pop! categories logo. Also, some counterfeit items will have the copyright notice printed incorrectly. If you notice something strange with fonts or details on the box always reference images on eBay or Facebook groups to compare.

When producing a fake Pop!, forgers often forget details such as logos or what line of Pop! it is. The fake is clearly missing both the Funko Line title and the Funko logo on the Convention Exclusive sticker. Lack of detail is always a clear indicator someone is trying to pass an item off as authentic, although some can be very convincing. Again, reference images from reliable sources (Facebook groups or eBay).

Coloring, Numbering, Stickers and the Rest……

Sometimes fakes look so convincing you may find yourself questioning if the authentic items are forgeries. Forgers spend a TON of time trying to nail the design and the box details, but sometimes there are other areas to look when you are in doubt.


Most fakes have a different coloring either painted on the Pop! figure or on the box. You can see this with the Martian Manhunter above, his paint appears much darker than his authentic counterpart, both on the Pop! and the box.

Also, when producing fakes the smaller details are often missed especially now that Funko has made more complex designs with their Pop!


Getting the box artwork correct is very difficult and is always a clear indicator of a fake. Numbering in the top front right, backs and sides can often be different from the authentic Pop! boxes. Sometimes you’ll notice the number is off centered or too close together, in some cases the double-digit numbers may touch or overlap.

Again, the easiest way to identify correct numbering is to reference authentic Pop! from friends or known good eBay listings.


Con stickers have become a BIG and important topic for collectors in recent years and the demand for “Convention Only Stickers” has driven forgers to enter this territory as well. In some cases, it’s very difficult to identify fake stickers and you’ll have to ask for help from the community, but details are often left out too.

Fake stickers may have wider boarders, incorrect coloring or text missing, again reference images in Facebook groups, eBay or friends that may have the Pop! in their collections.

Attention to Detail

Paying attention to the detail on fakes is important as well. Some forgers will not take the time necessary to get the detail accurate in fakes. A couple of great cases are the Unmasked Jason Voorhees and GITD Deadite.

For the Deadite the GITD material may appear more translucent than the authentic version and missing the bloody details on the box and figure too. While Jason Voorhees misses the mark entirely.

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Ask for images of the figures feet

Verify there is an item number stamped on the feet and a Funko LLC logo somewhere on the Pop! This could be on the items head below the chin or back of the head, but primarily is found on the foot with a corresponding item number stamp.

Newer Pop! will feature the same item number as the bottom of the box, while older Pop! had a smaller number associated with each item. Also, check the feet for unfinished paint. This could indicate a fake, but remember older Pop! didn’t always have the greatest paint jobs.

How to spot a fake Funko Pop

How to avoid buying a fake Funko POP

Unfortunately, fake Funkos aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. However, there are several things you can do to minimise the risk of falling for a scam.

Confirm the seller’s identity

One of the best ways to avoid fake Funkos is by being careful about who and where you buy from. When shopping online, always choose reputable stores you can trust. It is very unlikely that you will receive a fake figurine from well-known stores.

If you choose to buy Funkos from auction sites and pop-up pages with no previous history, be extremely cautious and pay extra attention to the condition of the Funko, taking into account the factors mentioned above.

Ask other Funko collectors

If you’re unsure if your cheap Funko POP is a fake, post a photo of the POP in a Funko POP forum, sharing images of all sides of the POP’s packaging and the figurine in question.

Expert collectors will quickly identify a fake, as most experienced collectors have either received a fake figurine in the past or own an original they can compare it to.

Read reviews

If a seller has limited or negative reviews, it’s a cautioning sign that you should skip the sale.

Many low, recent reviews could indicate that a seller has created a burner profile to sell various fake products. Many scammers use this method as it allows them to delete their accounts when the sales have been completed and make a swift escape before anyone has the chance to notice what’s happened.

Of course, you could always contact previous buyers to gain insight into their experience with the seller. Plus, Funko Forums often have lists of sellers to avoid, so always ensure the seller in question isn’t on the list!

How to spot a fake Funko Pop

How do I know if my Funko POP is valuable?

Funko POPs are popular figurines with characters to suit every age and interest. However, as with all collectables, some Funkos are rarer than others.

If a Funko POP has a ‘Limited Edition Chase’ sticker located on the bottom right-hand corner of the box, it shows that the POP is rarer than others. Funko POPs with chase stickers are usually unique variations of the standard moulding, depicting the Funko character in special poses, outfits, and finishes.

Of course, predicting if any Funko POP will become valuable is impossible, as you never know which POP might one day be in demand. However, if a POP is released as part of a limited series or quantity, there is a much higher chance it will become valuable.

You never know; your cheap Funko POPs could one day be the most valuable in your collection!

How to spot a fake Funko Pop

Are Funko Pops worth the money?

For most collectors, collecting Funko POPs is not about the money. Funkos offer collectors a tangible way to enjoy their favourite movies, comic books, gaming characters, and pop culture idols. So, for most POP fans, any Standard Funko POP is worth its price.

However, some Funko POPs can increase in value and become great investments for collectors, especially exclusive and limited edition Funko POPs. Some collectors search high and low for these rare POPs to add to their collection, hoping to one day cash in on their investments.

Of course, collecting rare POPs can be expensive, and there is no guarantee that the POPs that are considered rare today will have the same status tomorrow. With this in mind, it’s important to consider why you want to collect Funkos, as this will determine whether they are worth the money for you personally.

How to spot a fake Funko Pop

Where can I get good deals on Funko Pops?

You can find great deals on cheap Funko POPs in various places online. However, it’s essential to do your research to reduce the risk of purchasing fake Funkos.

At Toys for a Pound, we proudly offer official Funko POP vinyl figures at great prices, including limited edition and rare Funkos, Mystery Minis, key chains, card games, and more.

We consistently update our stock to offer the most sought-after models, so keep checking back for your most wanted Funko POPS!

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