How long is night in minecraft? Everything You Need To Know About The Daylight Cycle

How long is night in minecraft? Players who are looking to explore the vast and dangerous biomes in Minecraft, they will want to first be familiar with the day and night cycles of the game. Since the nighttime can be incredibly dangerous, especially for new players, knowing the time and how long daylight will last is crucial to any Minecraft player.

Night and Day in Minecraft

While the game allows players to build various light sources, like torches and the upcoming addition of Minecraft glow blocks in the Java Edition, nighttime is still an incredibly dangerous time for players. Without proper beds and sleep cycles, players will have no respawn points and will be harried by dangerous flying creatures called Phantoms after about three in-game days with no rest. So knowing when night is about to creep in might be the ticket to surviving.

How long is night in minecraft?

How Long is a Day in Minecraft

With the massive maps that Minecraft generates for every seed, players know that they can’t explore everything they want to see in just one in-game day or 20 minutes of real-world time. Daytime in Minecraft lasts for 10 minutes while the night reigns for about 7 minutes. Days start at in-game 6 AM with a brief dawn that lasts about 23 seconds. After that, the sun hits its high point in the sky at five minutes. After 10 minutes and 28 seconds, players can now use a bed to sleep through the night. Midnight is 15 real-world minutes after the start of the day, and the sun will start to rise at 20 minutes, signaling the beginning of the next day.

  • 0:00 Beginning of the Minecraft Day
  • 0:23 Sunrise ends
  • 5:00 Noon
  • 9:41 Sunset
  • 10:28 Players can sleep through the night in beds.
  • 10:52 Sun is no longer visible
  • 11:32 Night begins
  • 15:00 Midnight
  • 18:47 Sunrise
  • 19:06 The sun is visible.
  • 19:30 The moon sets.
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How to Tell Time in Minecraft

Thankfully, there is a way to tell time in Minecraft, so players don’t have to get creative and make their own time-telling devices like in Valheim. Players can easily make a clock with just two ingredients. A clock requires 1 Redstone Dust and 4 Gold Ingots.

A clock in Minecraft is read by watching the colors of the day sky cycle over to the night sky and back again while shifting through both Dusk and Dawn. This is incredibly helpful to those stuck underground, wondering if it’s safe to come out of their mines and into the wild Overworld. Clocks don’t help at all, however, in the Nether or Minecraft’s The End locations; day and night don’t exist there, and clocks just spin wildly, just like compasses without a lodestone.

How long the days and nights of Minecraft last

The total time of a day

The total daily cycle of the in-game worlds lasts for 20 real-world minutes. This means that, at the game’s default tick speed of 20 ticks per second, Minecraft time is exactly 72 times faster than real time. This means that every 50 seconds of real time equates to an in-game hour having passed.

That really makes the days seem short, knowing that an entire hour passes away in less than a minute.


The game’s day begins bright and early at 6 AM. This is when players, as well as villagers, rise from their beds after sleeping through the night. Interestingly enough, this is not the time that the /time set day command sets the world to, as the command actually sets the world’s time to 7 AM.


Nights start at 10 minutes and 50 seconds of real-time into the day, assuming players start counting at 6 AM when they wake up from their beds. This also happens to be the time that the /time set night command takes players to.

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The first tick of time for hostile mobs to start spawning in clear weather does not happen until just shy of 10 seconds after the night’s official start.

There are also a few important milestones that take place before the official start of the night at the game’s 7 PM mark. The first milestone time is 6 PM, which is the beginning of sunset and when villagers go to sleep.

The next important time is only half a second after this in real time, which is when, if the weather is rainy, players can go to sleep. This is earlier than normal, as in clear weather, players cannot sleep until 6:30 PM, or 10 minutes and 27 seconds into a day’s total cycle.

In rainy weather, hostile mobs begin spawning at around 7 PM in game, or 10 minutes and 48 seconds of real time. This is earlier than their normal spawning time mentioned by a full 10 seconds.

Minecraft Time Vs Real-Life Time

Obviously, Minecraft time has very little to do with actual real-life time. According to sources and calculations, Minecraft’s in-game time is 72 times faster than normal time. It’s no wonder, given how short a day can sometimes feel, especially early on for players who need to return to their home to sleep at night in order to avoid hostile mobs.

That means that from the first moment you spawn, within twenty minutes you should be at the dawn of your next day if you don’t go to sleep at night and skip nighttime.

Time in Minecraft can also be measured by ticks. One Minecraft hour equals roughly 1000 ticks, which in turn, equals 50 seconds in real-time. This is minuscule compared to real-life time, which is why it can often feel like night comes much sooner than you’d expect while adventuring in the game.

What Happens During The Daytime In Minecraft?

Daytime begins when first spawning into the world. Its rough start is around 6 AM Minecraft time when the sun begins to rise. Once at a certain height, hostile mobs touched by the light will start to burn. Spiders will turn neutral, and Endermen will begin to teleport around randomly, and if turned aggressive, chances are they might become docile again after a few seconds.

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Some mobs like the Drowned behave in a particular way during the daytime. While they might still attack any players that step into the same body of water that they’re in, they’ll completely ignore players who are on land or riding a boat. As such, it’s no surprise to find friendly Drowned just standing around in the water in the morning.

How long is night in minecraft?

Nighttime And Sleeping In Minecraft

Nighttime starts around 6 PM Minecraft time, or about 10-11 real-time minutes into your gameplay in a brand-new world. As the sun sets, the light levels decrease on land and can go as low as four on some blocks that receive absolutely no light.

Crops will still continue to grow at night, even in moonlight only. However, if you choose to sleep rather than stay awake, none of the progress is registered and the night is simply skipped.

This means that anything you left inside a furnace, for instance, won’t have magically finished by the time you wake up. Still, to avoid Phantoms spawning, it’s a good idea to at least sleep every other night.

Villagers And Their Daily Routines

If you happen to stumble upon a village, you’ll notice that villagers have a very set pattern of life that depends on the daylight cycle. Villagers wake up every day at the same time, which is around 6 AM Minecraft time. Two hours later is when they get to work on their specific workstations.

Around the afternoon, 3 PM Minecraft time or seven minutes and 30 seconds into your game, villagers will consider their workday completed. They will spend the rest of their waking day gossiping with other villagers or reproducing.

When 8 PM arrives, and you’re about ten minutes into your gameplay, villagers will suddenly run indoors and hop into their beds. This is their official bedtime and gives them a few seconds of safety before mobs begin to spawn around the world and attack them.

Above is information how long is night in minecraft.   Hopefully, through the above content, you have a more detailed understanding of how long is night in minecraft .Thank you for reading our post

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